22 Cheap First Date Ideas That Will Get You The Second Date And Blow Her Mind!

If you’re excited about going on a date with that cutie you met online, and you don’t want to break the bank — There are inspiring cheap first date ideas that will get you the next date!

Having a cheap first date will help you learn if you like her before you drop a hundred on a fancy dinner. Meeting in public is a good idea to keep you both feeling safe and ready to have fun! If you need some guidance on how to message that cutie to get a date, learn some insider dating tricks.

Cheap date ideas that don’t suck! Here’s the first one: Hit up your favorite Sunday morning flea market

Browsing cool antiques and weird old knick-knacks will give you plenty to talk about on a first date. Our brains are meant to connect the dots. If you date sees a toy she used to have when she was a kid— It will give her positive memories while she’s with you. Making fun of crazy finds and even picking up something small that she likes will make a big impression.

Take a hike

Getting out in nature will give you some show-off potential. I bet you know about trees, wildflowers, plants, and birds. A woman will be impressed when you show her which mushrooms are safe to eat out in the woods. Nature is magical and is healing for everyone who takes a stroll in it.

Go to your old High School for a football game or basketball game

Sometimes in a small town, this is one of the things available to do. You might see old friends from High School, and this is the perfect opportunity to make your old girlfriend who dumped you in 10th grade jealous. Cheering on your alma mater will make you feel rooted and connected too.

Knock down some pins

Who doesn’t love bowling? Even if you’ll never get a strike, bowling is a blast! You can make fun of her horrific shoes that don’t match her cute skirt and throw back a couple of beers. If you go during the week, you can probably save a few bucks too.

Take her to ride bumper cars

When you bang into each other, being playful will get your adrenaline pumping. According to a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology supported the theory that adrenaline can increase sexual attraction.

Show off your mad synchronized swimming skills or your breaststroke

Hit the lake, your local pool or a secret swimming hole that only you and your 50 best friends know about. Swimming will get you both in the water, and not to mention her possibly in a bikini!

Make a bonfire

There’s something primal about sitting around the campfire as all country people know. There is magic in flames. You can talk about the things you learned in boy scouts and reminisce of camping trips while sparking a romantic flame with your new date. Everyone looks great with firelight.

Do some fire-side cooking

Show off your creativity and make and have a smores-gas-bord while you’re poking the fire and having fun

Of course, bring the classics: Graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars in case she’s picky. Pick up some Girl Scout cookies, sugar cookies, or chocolate covered graham crackers to get really fancy. Have a smores buffet with different chocolates like cookies and cream or white chocolate. She’ll be impressed!

Have a drink at her favorite place or yours

If she gets to see your watering hole, she’ll get to learn more about you. If you go to her favorite place, it will give you a little insight into what kinds of things she likes. You can be a gentleman and walk her to the car after one drink. This is one of the most classic cheap first date ideas and you might even get a kiss.

Pack a picnic

You can make the main course and ask her to bring her favorite side dish. You’ll get to have a delicious, simple meal and test out each other’s cooking skills to boot. If you don’t know what to bring, a meat and cheese platter is simple, and no cooking is needed. Just make sure you bring some crackers, fresh fruit and something good to drink.

Go to the mall

This will show her you’re not going to have a panic attack if step foot into one of these women-filled shopping places. You don’t even have to buy anything, just grab some sodas out of the vending machine and check out the stores. Window shopping will give you plenty of things to talk about. You’ll both have a blast.

Another cheap date idea is to hit the arcade

If you’re already in the shopping mall, there is probably somewhere that has some pinball, racing games or skeet ball. Playing Pac Man will get the adrenaline flowing— Yours and hers. You know what can happen then . . . You got it— Sexual attraction. Country gals love adrenaline!

Play trivia at your local pub

Answering questions and doing something as a team will help you both discover if you can have fun together. If you don’t win— Don’t be a sore loser. Celebrate the answers you did get right and praise her for the answers she got right.

More cheap date ideas are to play board games at your local coffee shop

Get on Yelp and search for a local place that has cards, or monopoly. Playing games is not only fun, but according to research, playing games helps relieve stress, improves your relationships with others, and boosts creativity. Maybe some game playing will help you keep your second date interesting!

Speaking of coffee shops— Go to an open mic for fun dates

You might run into local friends, and if you play music, you can show her your harmonica skills or your singer-songwriting accomplishments. If you’ve been taking guitar or banjo lessons, let her see them. Women love good music, and you’ll learn more about what she likes.

Roll the windows down and go for a drive in the country

Turn the radio up and let your favorite music stir your soul— And hers. If you know, the words sing along. Dates that can have fun let loose and play together, stay together.

While you’re driving, stop for ice cream for another fun date idea

Almost everyone likes ice cream

Ice cream is one of the best foods to make people smile, and actually feel happy.According to Doctor Oz, The Institute of Psychiatry in London had researchers test the brain activity of people eating vanilla ice cream. The pleasure centers their brain were activated. Ice cream will give your date an immediate flush of happiness that will be associated with your amazing first date!

A simple date idea is to go see amateur comedy night at your local bar

As the old saying goes laughter is the best medicine— And it will help make your first cheap date ideas seem even better. Laughing releases endorphins. These are the naturally occurring feel-good chemicals. And laughing is contagious and can help people feel connected. These are both excellent things to have on your first hot date!

Pet the donkey

Visit a petting zoo for a great first date. What woman doesn’t like furry animals— Especially baby animals. Baby goats, rabbits, and pigs will make her get the warm fuzzies.

Putt your way into her heart for a great cheap first date idea

Have a mini-golf course in your town? I’m sure they would love to host you for your Saturday morning date. If you go during the week, you’ll probably save some money too. Teasing each other about your lousy game will be a blast. When you finally get a hole in one, it will help bring you closer and feel accomplished.

Check out a local winery

Many vineyards have free samples and great gazebos. You can sip on some berry wine and walk around the grape vines. Many women love wine and will love that you picked out something she likes instead of a dive bar.

Test drive your dream cars on your first date

You know there’s a truck or car you would love to get your hands on. A first date is a perfect time to try out the Jeep you’ve wanted since you were a teenager. You can ask her what car she would love to have and give her a ride to take a test drive. Make sure you snap some pictures of her behind the wheel, so she can share with her friends.

After you hit the car lot stop by your local farmer’s market

Pick up your eggs and get to know your local farmers at the same time. Buying local is something a lot of people care about. Getting to know your local farmers will also give you the freshest produce and get you more connected in your community. Farmers are your friends, and if you see some flower bouquets, it never hurts to give a woman flowers in a coffee can that were grown by your farmer neighbor.

People watch wherever you are for great cheap first date ideas. You can take a walk on the rail trail or local park. Let her pick out her favorite park bench and do some people watching. Seeing people walking by is never dull. You can both make up stories about what it is you think the passers-by are doing or what they’re thinking about.

Dating can be entertaining, and when you have the best cheap date ideas, you’ll save some money and impress your date with your fantastic ideas that will make her want to see you again. But before you meet her, get your online dating pictures up to your dream gal’s standards!